Fight for Your Life: Survival Techniques for Those With Cancer

Produced by: Fight for Your Life Company
Featuring: Dr. Bernie Siegel
Format: VHS, 146 minutes
OncoLink Rating:

To order: Call 814-337-8192 or visit

This video features the best selling author and physician, Dr. Bernie Siegel. Fight For Your Life is a program of education, inspiration, and motivation to help you live with and survive a diagnosis of cancer. It is designed to be used in conjunction with your physicians and recommended treatments. The video helps you learn to be a survivor by hearing other cancer patient's experiences.

The video is organized into two sections. The first section includes the experiences of four cancer survivors. Each has a different diagnosis and experienced different treatments for their disease. Through these experiences, you are encouraged to learn to live each day to the best of your ability. The narrator states "If it is possible for your body to heal, it will heal. If it is not possible for your body to heal, you will live out your life with more meaning, more satisfaction, and more joy than you dreamed possible."

The viewer is encouraged to develop specific skills to help survive a cancer diagnosis. Hope is felt to be the most important survival skill. Cancer patients are encouraged to seek out survivors with a similar diagnosis. Utilization of support groups is important means of locating cancer survivors. You are also encouraged to regain control in your life and keep a positive attitude. Becoming an active member of the health care team will help you take charge of your life. It is important you learn to love yourself and others. The video also explains the proven benefits of love and faith.

The second section consists of specific techniques to help cancer patients. Relaxation and meditation exercises are provided. Visualization techniques are reviewed. There are instructions for guided imagery experiences. The final part gives suggestions on ridding yourself of negative thoughts.

Although this video was initially produced in 1987, it is relevant for any cancer patient diagnosed today. It is an inspirational video which helps you develop important skills in your battle against cancer. The video is highly recommended for cancer patients and their families.

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