His Blessings

His Blessings
James A. Pharis, Jr.

Copyright © James A. Pharis, Jr.

Copyright © May 1999, James A. Pharis, Jr.

I have been blessed beyond my ken,

More than I could ever realize.

God's love to me, more than I know

Makes me more than just my size.

What grows within, is not to compare.

As others whose lives are blessed,

It is God's love forever true

That holds us up if calm or stressed.

So great, so sure, so real and strong,

Beyond our knowing just a part,

His love within makes more of us

As he lets us love, heart to heart.

A humbling thought, a greatness grasped,

Only in a small part and scope,

Gives each as we depend on him,

A growing, ever present hope.

James A. Pharis, Jr.
May 30, 1999, Sunday 7:30 A. M.


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