Resources for More Information: Clinical Trials
You can find tips on the internet to help you during and after your cancer treatment. You want to make sure what you are reading is true. OncoLink finds these websites to be up-to-date and reliable.
General Clinical Trials Information
The National Institute of Health
There is a wealth of clinical research within life sciences, but it is good to know some basic information about clinical trials. The NIH provides basic information for patients and caregivers helping them to under what clinical trials are, how to pay for them, and making the decision to participate in a clinical trial.
Answers to some commonly asked questions regarding clinical research
Medline Plus summarizes clinical trials and provides additional resources that offer support, assistance, and a more in-depth understanding of clinical trials.
American Cancer Society: Clinical Trials-What You Need to Know
A booklet that provides comprehensive information about clinical trials, phases of studies, deciding to be part of a trial, and protection of research (human) subjects. Free and downloadable in PDF format.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: Clinical Trials
Provides free patient education information to patients with blood cancers who may be interested in clinical trials.
Provides free educational information to patients who may be interested in clinical trials.
A Greater Understanding: A Practical Guide to Clinical Trials
The Patient Advocate Foundation provides patients with up-to-date health insurance information and assistance with settling claims during a process that is often confusing and lengthy.
Search for Clinical Trials
Provides telephonic and online resources for clinical trials matching
From the National Institute of Health, this site lists current clinical trials that are open to new participants who meet specific trial qualifications
Health Insurance & Financial Assistance
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
If you are a Medicare or Medicaid recipient, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provides all the information you need to know about how coverage works with different treatments.
Patient Empowerment Network
The Patient Empowerment Network offers information and resources about financial assistance and the health insurance claims process.
Lazarex Cancer Foundation
Provides support to patients with the goal of improving clinical trials access in the US.