Ways for cancer patients and caregivers to cope with cancer, side effects, nutrition, general cancer support issues, grief/end of life issues, and shared survivor's experiences.
Information and support for family members and loved ones of cancer patients who are accepting the challenge of being the caregivers outside of the hospital setting.
Coping With Cancer
Topics include coping with a cancer diagnosis, common concerns after a new diagnosis, talking with children, coping with recurrence fears and metastatic disease.
Distress Screening Response Tools (DSRT)
Build a personalized booklet of education materials to help you cope with the practical, financial, legal, emotional, and spiritual effects of cancer.
Exercise & Cancer
Information about the benefits of exercise during and after cancer treatment and therapist created exercise regimens to get you started!
Grief and Loss
This section provides information and resources for coping with grief and loss.
Hospice and Palliative Care
Comfort and support for patients and families who are experiencing a life-limiting illness or the loss of a loved one.
Insurance, Legal, Employment & Financial Concerns
Information and resources related to financial and employment concerns, insurance and pharmacy issues.
LGBTQIA+ Resources
Resources and articles of interest to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Managing Practical and Emotional Concerns
Educational handouts for a variety of psychosocial topics that can be used to address concerns identified in distress screening of cancer patients.
Nutrition and Cancer
These articles can be a helpful tool in coping with a variety of nutritional issues that people face during and after cancer treatment.
Resources to improve your cancer experience, including a glossary of terms.
Sexuality & Fertility
Help and hope for patients experiencing changes in sexuality and fertility due to cancer treatment side effects.
Side Effects
A wealth of knowledge to help patients deal with the side effects of cancer treatment such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, infection, and pain.
Information and inspiration concerning the life-long health care, emotional, and social needs of cancer survivors.