Using Music to Relax

Author: Allie McCrea, MMT, MT-BC
Last Reviewed: March 10, 2022

Allie McCrea has been involved with music for most of her life. After completing her Bachelor of Music degree in Washington D.C., she moved back to Philadelphia to pursue a Master's Degree in Music Therapy at Temple University. These videos are brief tutorials on how music can be used for self-care to help people relax and re-center, especially for people who may be experiencing feelings of anxiety, fear, isolation, and uncertainty. Allie fully believes in the words of playwright John Logan, who writes, "Music is the Medicine of the Mind" and hopes to share the power of music with both patients and their caregivers through these videos.

Breathing with Music

Guided Relaxation Using Music and Breath

Humming to Reset

Creating Musical Instruments From Household Items

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