The Revici Method for the Treatment of Cancer

Author: James Metz, MD
Content Contributor: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Last Reviewed: November 01, 2001

The Revici Method is an unconventional therapy for the treatment of cancer developed by Emanuel Revici, MD. Dr. Revici believed that pathologic conditions were due to a chemical imbalance within the body that could be modified. The method is a blending of clinical observations, laboratory analyses, and chemotherapy. Basically, Dr. Revici would analyze the urine, blood, and body temperature and place patients in specific categories based on the "imbalance" that was discovered from these tests. The method was analyzed by a Clinical Appraisal Group consisting of a number of prominent physicians in the 1965. Thirty-three patients treated by Dr. Revici were analyzed by the group of physicians. No instance of objective tumor regression was observed in any of the 33 cases studies. In fact, 15 patients had autopsies after their deaths and there was no evidence of tumor alteration as a consequence of therapy.

Dr. Revici remained embattled with the New York State health authorities for years and had his medical license was revoked in 1993 at the age of 96. Although Dr. Revici has died, his method remains highly touted in unconventional medical therapy books and on the Internet. In fact, a number of therapies that closely resemble the Revici Method are now being touted by unconventional medical practitioners.

Biologic Terrain Assessment (BTA) is a therapy that is remarkably similar to the Revici Method and promoted by some alternative medicine practitioners. It utilizes an analysis of the saliva, urine, and blood to isolate "imbalances". Herbal therapies are then prescribed to counteract these imbalances. In fact, practitioners of BTA claim that the herbal treatment can be directed to the organ containing the cancer to make it more effective. There is no objective evidence that BTA has any impact on cancer. There are no scientific studies evaluating its effectiveness. Some unconventional practitioners continue to claim effectiveness has been proven based on case reports and testimonials, which are not valid scientific endpoints.

OncoLink does not recommend patients utilize the Revici Method or Biologic Terrain Assessment. Any patient considering an unconventional medical therapy should discuss this with their conventional medical physician. There can be important interactions with conventional cancer therapy or side effects of the therapy that you may not be aware. For more information on unconventional medical therapies and cancer see OncoLink's Complementary Treatments section.

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