Altered Breast Size

Author: OncoLink Team
Last Reviewed: July 28, 2022

What is it?

In some patients with breast cancer, the treated breast can have changes in size or shape following surgery or radiation therapy. Surgical changes can happen right after surgery. Changes caused by radiation can cause scar tissue to develop months to years following treatment. This scar tissue can cause the breast to become smaller in size, the skin may change in appearance, or the breast tissue may harden.

These changes may cause emotional and physical distress for the patient as well as impact self-image and sexual function.


If you find that changes to your breasts are causing you concern, discuss your concerns with your care provider. It may feel uncomfortable bringing up issues about your sexuality with your care team. Ask for assistance from a social worker or psychologist who can guide you with questions to ask as well as help you cope with the changes to your body.

OncoLink. Woman's Guide to Sexuality During and After Treatment. Found at:

MacMillan Cancer Support. Breast and Arm Changes. Found at:

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