Hair Loss (Alopecia) From Radiation Therapy

Author: Courtney Misher, MPH, BS R.T.(T)
Content Contributor: Katherine Okonak, LSW
Last Reviewed: July 17, 2024

Radiation affects cancer cells and healthy cells, including the cells that make hair grow. Damage to the cells that make hair grow can lead to hair loss (alopecia). There is nothing you can do to prevent hair loss when getting radiation therapy, but there are ways to manage it.

Will radiation therapy cause me to lose all my hair?

Radiation therapy will only cause hair loss to the area of the body that is being treated, often just where the beam is entering the body. Hair loss can also happen in the area where the radiation beam exits the body.

For example, if your arm is treated with radiation, you may lose the hair on your arm, but you may not lose the hair on your head. The amount of hair loss will depend on:

  • The size of the area being treated.
  • The total amount of radiation you get.
  • The type of radiation you get.

Hair loss can start 1-3 weeks after treatment starts. Some chemotherapy drugs also cause hair loss. If you are getting chemotherapy, you should ask your provider if those medications cause hair loss. When hair loss is caused by chemotherapy, it will include all the hair on your body (head, eyebrows, body hair, etc.). Learn more about hair loss caused by chemotherapy.

Will the hair grow back?

Your provider can talk to you about your hair loss and if it will be temporary (will grow back) or permanent (will not grow back). Hair loss from radiation therapy often starts to grow back after treatment is finished. When the hair starts to grow back, it may be different in texture and color. It is common for hair to grow back curlier than it was.

How can I manage hair loss?

Hair loss can be a difficult side effect to deal with. There is no right or wrong way to manage hair loss. It's important to do what you feel comfortable with and what is right for you. If you are expected to lose the hair on your head during your cancer treatments, these tips may help.

Prior to hair loss:

  • Be gentle. Use a soft-bristle brush and a mild shampoo. Pat your hair dry.
  • Don’t use heat (such as hair dryers, hot rollers, straightening irons, or curling irons). They may damage your hair and make hair loss worse.
  • Avoid chemicals. Don't bleach or color your hair, and don't get a permanent (perm).

When hair loss starts:

  • Cut your hair. If your hair is long, cutting it shorter may help lessen the impact of your hair loss when it happens.
  • Shave your head. It may be easier to deal with hair loss by shaving your head before hair loss begins.
  • Protect your head. Wear a hat, scarf, or sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. Sleep on a satin pillowcase to decrease friction.

Should I get a wig?

Deciding if you should get a wig is a personal choice. Not everyone is comfortable wearing a wig. You should do what is comfortable for you. If you decide not to get a wig you could consider scarves, turbans, and hats, which can be cooler and require less care than a wig.

If you decide to purchase a wig, you can make an appointment with a wig stylist. You can make the appointment before your hair loss happens so that the color, style, and texture of your hair can be matched to a wig. If hair loss starts before your appointment with the wig stylist, save some pieces of your hair and take them with you. Or you can choose to get a new style. You will want to choose a wig that is comfortable and adjustable.

Learn more about wig selection and care and caring for your hair, skin, and nails during cancer treatment.

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