Lack of Sensation in Breast

Author: OncoLink Team
Last Reviewed: July 26, 2024

What is lack of sensation in the breast?

Lack of sensation or loss of feeling in the breast means you may not be able to feel touch, pain, or temperature in the breast. This can be because of damage to nerves during surgery or may be a late effect of radiation therapy to the breast.

A loss or change to physical sensation in the breast (an accessory sex organ) is common after surgical treatment for breast cancer. This change can affect sexuality for some women and may affect sexual arousal.

How is it managed?

Sensory changes may increase your risk of injury or infection, especially if you can’t feel the injury or if early signs of infection are not recognized. Practice breast hygiene to lower your chance of infection. This includes careful washing and drying of the skin and watching for redness, inflammation, discharge, and other signs of infection.

When should I call my care team?

You can talk to your care team about concerns with the sensory changes in your breast or with changes to your sexuality. It may feel uncomfortable bringing up issues about your sexuality with your care team, but they are there to help! Ask for assistance from a social worker or psychologist who can support you with questions to ask as well as help you cope with the changes to your body.

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