Surgical Site Infection

Author: OncoLink Team
Last Reviewed: July 26, 2024

What is a surgical site infection?

A surgical site infection is an infection that happens in the incision or deep tissue around the surgical site, within 30 days of surgery. There is a risk of infection after any surgery. There are things that can increase your risk of getting a surgical site infection.

Patient factors are:

  • Age.
  • Overall health
  • Nutritional status.
  • Alcohol or tobacco use.
  • Other health issues (such as diabetes, vascular disease, and type of cancer).
  • Medications that the patient takes.

Surgical factors are:

  • Type of surgery.
  • Area of the body.
  • Surgical technique.
  • Use of antibiotics before the surgery to prevent infection.

How can you prevent a surgical site infection?

There are ways to prevent surgical infection:

  • Tell your surgeon and care team if you have diabetes. Maintaining a normal blood sugar is important to prevent infection.
  • Tell your surgeon and care team about all medications you are taking and the reason.
  • Follow the instructions your care team has given you on how to bathe before your procedure.
  • Keep warm before and after surgery. Wear warm clothes and wrap in blankets before and after surgery. Body temperature has a big influence on the risk of infection after surgery. The surgical team will keep you warm during the procedure.
  • If you are prescribed antibiotics to take before surgery, take them as told.
  • Wash your hands before touching the wound or changing dressings.

What are the signs of a surgical site infection?

  • Redness, swelling, new pain, or tenderness at the surgical site.
  • Fever. Your care team will tell you at what temperature you should call them.
  • Pus, foul odor, or new drainage from the surgical site (drainage immediately after surgery is normal).
  • A surgical wound that reopens.

When should I call my care team?

If you have any of the signs of infection listed above, call your care team right away.

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