Home Exercises Following Groin Lymph Node Dissection

Author: Christina Lombardi, DPT PT
Last Reviewed: February 20, 2024

These exercises are made to help you keep full and easy movement of your hip(s) following your groin surgery. You may start doing these exercises after your drains are removed. They should be done 2-3 times per day. These exercises are not meant to hurt - do not strain and do not hold your breath. If you feel more pain after exercising, stop until you have talked to your care team.

1. Knee to Chest

Lie on back on flat surface. Bring affected knee to your chest.

Hold 20 seconds.
Repeat 5 times.

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2. Bent Knee Fallout

Lie on back and bend affected knee. Slowly lower bent
knee out to the side without moving foot.

Hold 20 counts, and then return to starting position.
Repeat 5 times

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3. Lower Trunk Rotation

With feet on floor and both knees bent, slowly lower knees to one side.

Hold for 5 counts, and then bring them to the opposite side and hold for 5 counts. Repeat 5 times.

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4. Bridging

Bend knees, lift buttocks off floor. Keep stomach muscles tight. You should feel a comfortable stretch across your incision.

Hold 10 counts.
Repeat 5 times.

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These exercises should not be painful. If you are having more pain following exercise, please contact your care team. You may need a referral to a physical therapist.

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