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Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Survivors Served

Childhood cancers (who are now UNDER age 18), Childhood cancers (who are now OVER age 18), Adult cancers (diagnosed after age 18)

Offer consultations to survivors who were not treated at the institution?


Program Name

LIFE Cancer Survivorship & Transition Program




4650 W. Sunset Blvd. MS 54
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Appointments or new patient referrals


General clinic information


Serve all cancer types?


Survivors in this clinic are routinely seen by

Advanced Practice Provider (NP / PA), Pediatric Oncologist, Multidisciplinary Team

Which of the following eligibility criteria must survivors meet to be seen in the program?

Must have completed all cancer treatment (including hormonal therapy and biological therapy in addition to initial treatments)., Must be disease free or have disease in remission, Neuro-oncology patients eligible, BMT patients eligible

Does the institution offer special clinical programs (not just educational programs or inservices) addressing any of the following survivorship concerns?

Chemo-brain (Cognitive dysfunction), Cardiac late effects, Cancer or treatment related pain, Neurologic late effects (radiculopathy, plexopathy, neuropathy, myopathy, autonomic dysfunction), Psychosocial concerns / counseling, Nutritional issues, Speech and swallowing, Bladder dysfunction / Pelvic rehabilitation, Diarrhea / bowel dysfunction

More information about this clinic not captured above?

Children's Hospital of Los Angeles survivor clinic see survivors of any age who were diagnosed with a cancer prior to age 21. Patients over the age of 21 are seen at LIFE Clinic for Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center/Disney Family Cancer Center in Burbank, California.