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UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

Survivors Served

Childhood cancers (who are now UNDER age 18), Childhood cancers (who are now OVER age 18)

Offer consultations to survivors who were not treated at the institution?


Program Name

SurvivorConnect Survivorship Program

Program Director

Dr. Jean M. Tersak

Program Coordinator

Noelle Conover




One Children's Hospital Drive, 4401 Penn Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
United States

Appointments or new patient referrals


General clinic information


Serve all cancer types?


Survivors in this clinic are routinely seen by

Advanced Practice Provider (NP / PA), Pediatric Oncologist, Multidisciplinary Team, Nurse or nurse navigator

Which of the following eligibility criteria must survivors meet to be seen in the program?

Must have completed initial treatment (defined as surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiotherapy)., Must be disease free or have disease in remission, BMT patients eligible, Neuro-oncology patients eligible, Must have completed all cancer treatment (including hormonal therapy and biological therapy in addition to initial treatments)., Must be at least at X years from diagnosis

What model of care does the program use?

Multidisciplinary : Patients seen by providers from two or more disciplines (e.g., nursing, psychology, nutrition, medical specialties, etc.), Follow-up care : Survivorship clinic assumes the follow up care of certain populations of cancer survivors after a certain time point, Consultative Service : One time, or additional upon request, visit to address survivorship issues, provide treatment summary, care plan and refer to subspecialties for further evaluation).

Does the institution offer special clinical programs (not just educational programs or inservices) addressing any of the following survivorship concerns?

Fertility concerns pre and/or post treatment, Cardiac late effects, Neurologic late effects (radiculopathy, plexopathy, neuropathy, myopathy, autonomic dysfunction)