Helpful Websites for HCPs

Author: Christina Bach, MBE, LCSW, OSW-C
Last Reviewed: January 09, 2023

General Info

American Cancer Society

The National Cancer Institute

Macmillian Cancer Support – A UK-based support organization with many resources for providers and patients.

British Columbia Cancer Agency: This Canadian site has numerous nursing resources including drug information and protocols.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network – Provides guidelines for cancer care, supportive care, and cancer prevention and risk reduction.

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

Psychosocial & Practical Resources

Cancer & Careers – provides education and support for navigating work and cancer.

CancerCare – Support groups, educational workshops, social work services, and more.

Cancer Support Community – Support and educational information.

Triage Cancer – Education on practical and legal issues related to cancer.

Have a website you rely on to add to this list? Send it to us!

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