Patient & Family Education Center

Author: OncoLink Team
Last Reviewed: November 21, 2022

Some helpful tips to use on OncoLink:

  • For articles in Spanish please click OncoLink en espanõl
  • At the top right of each article, you will find a "print" button – this will put the article in a full-page format for easy printing.
  • Something you'd like to see here? Let us know.

Resources on OncoLink to support your oncology practice

Foreign Language Materials

The following sites contain materials in languages other than English. While materials would ideally be interpreted by trained medical interpreters, it is not always possible to get materials written this way. If a family member speaks English, it may be a good idea to review a document with them first to be sure it says what you think it says. If you know a good site with foreign language materials, submit it to us.

Links to Other Sites with Good Handouts or Nursing Resources

  • The National Cancer Institute - Accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive cancer information from the U.S. government's principal agency for cancer research.
  • Macmillan Cancer Support - From the United Kingdom, a great resource for educational materials.
  • British Columbia Cancer Agency - This Canadian site has numerous nursing and patient resources.

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