Oncology & Hematology 2000 -- An Internet Resource Guide

Author: Li Liu, MD
Content Contributor: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Last Reviewed: November 01, 2001

Consulting Medical Editor: Dr. Martin D. Abeloff
Publisher: eMedguides.com
ISBN: 0967681103
Format: Paperback, 536 pages

OncoLink Rating:

Oncology & Hematology 2000 -- An Internet Resource Guide is published by eMedguides.com as part of an Internet directories for physicians and other health care professionals. Dr. Martin D. Abeloff, Director of the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, served as Consulting Medical Editor.

The information revolution triggered by the rapid growth of the Internet has allowed health care providers and patients to access a rapidly expanding volume of information. However, health care professionals as well as patients must be aware of the voluminous misinformation available on medical subjects on the Internet. Several tools within the Internet itself have evolved, such as search engines designed by legitimate medical authorities, to help both physicians and the general public to avoid misinformation. At present, however, no standard and effective way that would simplify Internet searches and protect physicians and patients from misleading information exists.

This book lists a broad range of oncology and hematology related websites. The table of contents is very detailed, such that the reader can easily find a topic of interest. Part one of this book is focused mainly to oncology resources, whereas part two provides broad fields of medicine reference, clinical practice, and patient education. The book ends with a very comprehensive index, covering major topics, disorders, association, and Web site titles.

Even for a frequent Web surfer, searching the Web for good quality, health-related information can be extremely time consuming. This book can certainly serve as a "hands on" tool, enabling the reader to find oncology and hematology related websites more efficiently.

Oncology & Hematology 2000 -- An Internet Resource Guide will be revised annually. The Online Edition can be obtained from http://www.eMedguides.com. This book is highly recommended by Oncolink.

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