Book Reviews for Pediatric Patients

Author: OncoLink Team
Content Contributor: Hospital of the University of Pennsyvania
Last Reviewed: November 01, 2001

My Book for Kids with Cansur

by J. Gaes, Publishers Group West (publ)

ISBN 093760304X Disclosure

This book was written by a child with Burkitt's lymphoma because he felt that there were not enough books for kids about cancer. It is written in his own words, with his own spelling and handwriting (i.e. keymotherapy, radiashun, and toomers). His brothers helped him with the illustrations. It is his personal description of how kids can deal with "cansur."

Kathy's Hats: A Story of Hope

by Trudy Krisher, Albert Whitman (publ)

ISBN 0807541168 Disclosure

The summary says: "Kathy's love of hats comes in handy when the chemotherapy treatments she receives for her cancer make her hair fall out."
Author's Note: "My daughter Kathy was nine years old when she began to complain about pain in her arm. Her doctor recommended an X-ray, and a biopsy confirmed my worst fears. Kathy had cancer - Ewing's sarcoma, a rare bone cancer that typically strikes children and young adults. It was then that our family's long struggle with cancer began. However, cancer challenges not just the patient, but every member of the patient's family. Much of the attention Kathy's brother and sister needed went to Kathy, and sometimes they were resentful. As a working mother and single parent, I was exhausted most of the time, juggling the demands of home, job, and hospital. But for all of us, the biggest challenge was coping with our fear that Kathy would die. One night marked a turning point. We overheard Kathy comforting her brother, saying, "I'm not going to die. You've got to believe that. Believing that will help me more than anything." Like travellers battling a fierce storm, we hung on to the treatment schedule, to each other, and to hope. Kathy continues to be healthy and active. She swims, dances, reads, draws, and rides her bike. As I watch her grow each day, I am reminded of the special courage that lives in the hearts of all young cancer patients, and I tip my hat to them."

I'm Having a Bone Marrow Transpant

This coloring book is designed for children up to age 15. It deals with how it feels to have this potentially lifesaving transplant procedure. Written and illustrated by children from a bone marrow transplant unit, the publication helps young patients express themselves through the trying times before, during, and after the transplant. The wives of the New York Mets baseball team donated the proceeds from their 1991 Fashion Show to benefit the Leukemia Society's New York City Chapter to underwrite the production of this unique book. Contact your local Leukemia Society to receive a copy.

Reprinted with permission from the Winter 1993 newsletter of FOCUS on Oncology.

Learning Disabilities and Your Child

(Formerly titled: Kids Who Hate School) by Lawrence J. Greene, Gawcett Book Group, Copyright, 1987

Until now, I couldn't understand why my daughter, who is very intelligent, hated school so much. Reading this book opened my eyes to different signals that she was sending me. I was too busy to really notice these signals because my youngest son, Michael, was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma six weeks after his birth and until now my blinders were on. The focus of our family was on Michael's treatment and other problems were pushed aside.

This book showed how these learning disorders from ever so slight to major disabilities might effect your child. It also tells you how to choose a program that will help your child and where to get the support you need. This book serves as a guide to parents, as well as teacher of learning disable children. If yo suspect anything, it would be worth reading.

Reviewed by: Linda Danhart, FOCUS on Oncology Member.

Reprinted with permission from the Fall 1993 newsletter of FOCUS on Oncology.

The Angel Who Forgot

by Elisa Barton, $5.95

The Angel Who Forgot is a lovely metaphor of how memory can heal. It tells the story of a little angel who possesses the powers to heal sick children. When the angel loses his pony in the forest, he denies his memories of the pony, and in his grief, loses his powers to help a young child who needs him. With the help of the child's wise and compassionate mother, the little angel learns to face his memories and sorrow, and in turn recovers his power to heal.

Reviewed by: Leslie Brennan

Reprinted with permission from the Winter 1992 newsletter of FOCUS on Oncology.

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