Our Family Has Cancer, Too!

Author: James Metz, MD
Content Contributor: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Last Reviewed: November 01, 2001

Author: Christine Clifford with illustrations by Jack Lindstrom
Publisher: Pfeifer-Hamilton Publishers
Price: $6.95 US
ISBN: 1-57025-144
OncoLink Rating:

Our Family Has Cancer, Too! is the second book from Christine Clifford, a survivor of breast cancer. She currently serves as president and chief executive officer of The Cancer Club. This organization specializes in marketing of humorous and helpful products for people with cancer. Her first book, Not Now...I'm Having a No Hair Day, has previously been reviewed by OncoLink.

This book is written from the unique perspective of her fifteen year-old son, Tim. The book describes the thoughts and feelings of Christine's family during her diagnosis and treatment. It contains a number of humorous illustrations by Jack Lindstrom. It is a short book that can easily be read in a single sitting.

The book was written to "?encourage you and your family to talk about the disease: to cry, to laugh, to learn, to explore, to fear, to care, but most of all, to live." It is a book that can be read by adults to their children. In fact, it is designed with highlighted notes dispersed strategically throughout the book to help the families begin discussions of key issues.

Our Family Has Cancer, Too! encourages families to have open discussions when loved ones are diagnosed with cancer. It also conveys the importance of finding humor in difficult situations.

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