Stevie's New Blood

Author: William P. Levin, MD
Content Contributor: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Last Reviewed: November 01, 2001

Author: Kathryn Ulberg Lilleby
Publisher: Oncology Nursing Press, Inc.
ISBN: 1-890504-17-3

OncoLink Rating:

For any family facing the prospect of a child undergoing a bone marrow transplant, Stevie's New Blood will be a welcomed addition to the bookshelf. In her thoughtfully planned and well-crafted story, Kathryn Ulberg Lilleby explains the process of this little known and often fear inducing procedure. The author, a veteran bone marrow transplant nurse, tells a tale of a young boy undergoing treatment for leukemia. After receiving an initial regiment of chemotherapy the child still has disease. Accordingly, a bone marrow transplant is performed as the next attempt for a cure.

What makes this book so valuable is that it is actually two books in one. On one page is a story appropriate for children ages 6-10. On the adjacent page, is more detailed text for older children and adults. The book begins with a discussion of leukemia and the function of bone marrow. The story continues on, explaining in an accurate and detailed fashion the process of bone marrow transplant, associated procedures, and potential side effects. Parents may choose to "abridge" some graphic details in certain places, as in the passage where a little girl donates her marrow to her brother. In fact, the detailed explanations given in the "adult" text will allow parents to tell a personalized story that is appropriate for any child.

Stevie's New Blood is highly recommended by OncoLink for those people, both children and adults, wishing to read more about bone marrow transplant, a somewhat mysterious and potentially life saving procedure.

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