A Primer on Lymphedema
Author: Deborah G. Kelly |
A Primer on Lymphedema is a must read for the lymphedema practitioner and patient. Descriptive chapters, which include pictures and illustrations, focus on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Lymphatic System, Complete Decongestive Therapy Treatment Technique, Alternate Interventions, Reimbursement Issues, and Establishing a Practice in Lymphedema Management and Resources.
For the patient, detailed descriptions of the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system paint a clear picture of their diagnosis. Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT); the recommended treatment for lymphedema is outlined while case studies illuminate the effectiveness of CDT. For the practitioner, chapters on reimbursement, establishing a practice and resources provide previously unpublished information regarding the intricacies of lymphedema practice.
An invaluable source of information for the patient, A Primer on Lymphedema, will answer the many questions surrounding lymphedema and illustrate the profound results of Complete Decongestive Therapy.