Healing Through Art

Author: Karen T. Bruchak, RN, MSN, MBA
Content Contributor: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Last Reviewed: November 01, 2001

Produced by: Cogent Interactive Communications, Vienna, Virginia, 1-800-900-8662
Price: $24.95 US
OncoLink Rating:

Healing Through Art chronicles the journey of artist Darcy Lynn during her experience with lymphoma. Through personal narration and commentary by her physicians, nurses, and others involved in her care, as well as friends and other caregivers, Healing Through Art tells the story of how she fought the battle against cancer using her art as a healing tool.

Included in the video are many of Darcy's original pieces, including the early sketches created in the initial days in the critical care unit. Later, through her paintings, Darcy explored her feelings about the crucial role that her physicians during the acute phases of her illness (Pieta/Start of the Climb), adjusted to changes in body image (Self Portrait with Hickman and Scar) and fear of recurrence and/or death (The Hospital Nightmare).

In the "Introducing Art Therapy" section, the video explores the role of art therapy in holistic patient care and recovery in a more generic sense. Wendy Miller, Ph.D., ATR, CET provides information and commentary in this section and throughout the video.

Healing Through Art discusses how a serious illness can change a person's life perspective and how expressing one's inner emotions creatively can facilitate the healing process and help to produce positive results. The creators recognize that art is just one of many expressive arts that can play such a role in a person's life and also encourage expression through music, poetry, writing, and singing. Darcy acknowledges, "I don't believe any one person has a solution or method for coping with a life threatening illness. We are all different and so are our circumstances."

In addition to providing valuable information for patients, Healing Through Art is also intended to educate health care providers about this component of holistic and comprehensive patient care. The video has been reviewed and approved by the Oncology Nursing Society for continuing education credit. This approval indicates recognition of the quality of the educational activity and does not necessarily indicate that ONS endorses the company's products.

This video is an outstanding reference for cancer patients and is highly recommended by OncoLink.

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