Preventing Falls During Radiation Therapy

Author: OncoLink Team
Last Reviewed: February 22, 2022

On the first day of treatment, check-in at the radiation therapy department. A member of the radiation therapy team will walk you from the main waiting room to the changing area. This is where you will change into a hospital gown before each treatment. The therapists will let you know what clothing you should take off and what clothing can stay on under your gown. You can bring your own robe to go over your gown once you are changed.

We ask that you keep your shoes on when walking through the department. Once you are inside the treatment room, you may be asked to remove your shoes and robe for treatment. If you need help removing your shoes, your therapists can help you in the treatment room.

What kind of shoes should I wear for Radiation Therapy?

Closed-toe shoes (sneakers, flats, dress shoes, etc.) are best. If you would rather not wear shoes, you can ask for a pair of non-slip socks to wear. It is important to put your shoes back on after changing into your gown or to wear non-slip socks while in the department. Hospital floors can be very slippery and wearing the right shoes helps prevent falls. Avoid slippers and flip-flops since they fit poorly and can be dangerous. We recommend footwear that:

  • Has good grip on the soles (non-slip footwear).
  • Fit snugly.
  • Slip-on easily.
  • Has laces or velcro fasteners.

How can I avoid a fall in the hospital/cancer center?

Even if you have never fallen and you feel steady, the floors in the hospital can be uneven, wet, or slippery. You can prevent falls by:

  • Getting up slowly. If you ever feel dizzy, you should sit back down.
  • If you use a cane or walker, bring it with you to treatment.
  • If you wear contact lenses or glasses, wear them to your visit. Your team will tell you if you can leave the contact lenses in and when to take off your glasses if needed.
  • Using the handrails in the hallway where available.
  • Wearing the recommended footwear.
  • If you need to remove your pants for treatment, please sit down when taking them off and putting them on.
  • If you need help changing into your gown for your treatment, please ask the front desk, therapy, or nursing team. They will be happy to help.

If at any time you start to feel unsteady, sit back down, and use the call bell to ask for help. Each restroom and changing room at the facility has a call bell. Please locate the call bells on your first day of treatment so you know where there are if you were to need them. If you do not see the call bells, ask where they are located. If you fall or feel like you need help, please pull the cord. If your facility does not have call bells ask how to get assistance in an emergency. We want to help you stay safe.

Talk with your care team about ways you can prevent falls at home and during treatment. For more information on preventing falls, check out our article on falls risk.

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