Veterans, Military Service, and Cancer Risk

Author: Christina Bach, MBE, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
Last Reviewed: September 19, 2024

Every year, about 50,000 new cancer cases are reported in Veterans. As more Veterans get older, this number is expected to rise. Many people don’t think about how military service could lead to serious health issues, like cancer, many years later, especially from exposure to harmful chemicals or radiation.

Veterans have been facing cancer related to their service since World War I when they were exposed to dangerous substances. During World War II, some Veterans were exposed to radiation from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Most people know about Agent Orange, a chemical used during the Vietnam War that is linked to several types of cancer, including lymphoma and lung cancer. Additionally, many Veterans have been exposed to asbestos, which increases their risk of developing serious diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer. The connection between military service and a higher risk of cancer is something we must pay attention to.

Possible Causes for Increased Cancer Risk in Veterans

ExposureAssociated Cancers
Radiation (from nuclear bombs)

Bile duct cancer

Bone cancer

Breast cancer

Colon cancer

Esophageal cancer

Gall bladder cancer

Liver cancer

Lung cancer

Pancreatic cancer

Pharynx cancer

Salivary gland cancer

Small intestine cancer

Stomach cancer

Thyroid cancer

Kidney cancer

Bladder cancer

Leukemia (except CLL)

Lymphoma (except Hodgkin disease)

Multiple Myeloma

Ionized radiation (from nuclear-powered ship/submarines)All cancers
Nerve gas/chemical weaponsBrain cancer
Agent Orange or other herbicides

Chronic B-cell leukemia

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Multiple Myeloma

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Lung Cancer

Larynx Cancer

Trachea Cancer

Bronchus Cancer

Some soft tissue sarcomas

Bladder Cancer


Lung cancer


Contaminated water at Camp Lejeune

Adult leukemia

Aplastic anemia

Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)

Bladder cancer

Kidney cancer

Liver cancer

Multiple Myeloma

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Burn Pit/Gulf War Associated Exposures

Brain Cancer inc. Glioblastoma

Gastrointestinal cancer (any type)

Kidney Cancer

Lymphatic Cancer

Lymphoma (any type)


Head and Neck Cancer (any type)

Pancreatic Cancer

Reproductive Cancer (any type; men and women)

Respiratory Cancer (any type)


Most Veterans qualify for some level of health care coverage. This coverage is dependent on their service history and/or injuries they may have sustained in combat or service. They must not have been dishonorably discharged from the service to be eligible. To start the application process:

  • Call 1-877-222-VETS or go to
  • Be sure to have as much information about your military service as you can, as well as any potential exposures to cancer-causing agents while you were serving.
  • You do not need your DD214 (discharge summary) to apply for benefits. However, you can order one through


The Veterans Administration (VA), presumes that many disabilities, including the cancers listed above, were caused by exposure during military service. This means that veterans and survivors of veterans with cancer that is connected to service-related exposure can collect disability compensation from the VA.

Apply for VA benefits

Learn more about veterans, exposure, and cancer risk.

The PACT Act

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