Genetic Testing for Familial Prostate Cancer

Author: Christina Bach, MBE, LCSW, OSW-C
Content Contributor: Allyson Van Horn, MPH
Last Reviewed: January 17, 2025

What is hereditary prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is cancer that starts in the prostate gland. The prostate is a gland that sits below the bladder (where your pee is stored) and rectum (the last part of your intestines). The prostate gland makes some of the fluid that makes up semen.

Family history is an important part of prostate cancer risk. About 5 to 10 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer are hereditary (familial, or run in your family). Hereditary cancer happens when changes or mutations in genes are passed down from your parents. If your family has a history of cancer, it does not mean that you have gene changes or that you will get cancer. Testing for genetic mutations is one way to help find out your risk of getting cancer.

What are the genetic mutations linked to prostate cancer?

Mutations (changes) of genes are like spelling errors in the genetic code of a gene. Those who have a gene mutation may be at higher-than-average risk for certain cancers. A genetic mutation that increases the risk of prostate cancer is found in some families.

Mutated genes known to increase the risk of prostate cancer are:

  • BRCA1 and BRCA2: This gene is often linked with ovarian and breast cancers, but a mutation in these genes, especially BRCA2, has been linked with an increased risk (2 to 6 times more likely) of prostate cancer. About 1 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer have BRCA1 mutations. 5 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer have BRCA2 mutations.
  • MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, PMS2, EPCAM: If you have a mutation in one of these genes, you have a syndrome called Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), also called “Lynch Syndrome.” People with this syndrome are at a higher risk (2 to 6 times more likely) than the average person for developing prostate cancer. They are also at a higher risk for stomach, colorectal, and other cancers.
  • HOXB13: Mutations of this gene have been linked to prostate cancers that are diagnosed at an early age. Mutations of this gene are more common in families of Scandinavian descent.

There are many genes still being studied and linked to different kinds of cancer, including prostate. Some of these genes are:

  • CHEK2: Mutations of this gene account for about 2 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer.
  • ATM: Mutations of this gene account for about 2 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer.
  • PALB2: Mutations of this gene account for about 0.4 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer.
  • RAD51D: Mutations of this gene account for about 0.4 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer.
  • ATR: Mutations of this gene account for about 0.3 out of 100 cases of prostate cancer.
  • NBN.
  • GEN1.
  • RAD51C.
  • MRE11A.
  • RNASEL (formerly HPC1).

Who should have genetic testing?

If your family has a strong history of prostate cancer, you are at a higher risk of prostate cancer. Your risk is based on how a relative with prostate cancer is related to you and if they are a first-degree or second-degree relative. A first-degree relative is a parent, sibling, or child. A second-degree relative is a grandparent, grandchild, niece, nephew, aunt, or uncle. Your risk for familial prostate cancer is higher if you have:

  • A first or second-degree relative with metastatic prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, or breast cancer diagnosed at 45 years old or younger, colorectal or endometrial cancer diagnosed at 50 years old or younger, or pancreatic cancer.
  • Two or more first or second-degree relatives with breast, prostate, colorectal, or endometrial cancer at any age.

In a family with a history of prostate cancer, a family member who has had prostate cancer should have genetic testing. If that person is found to have a harmful genetic mutation, then other family members can be tested to see if they also have the same mutation. This information can be used to guide screening for prostate cancer.

Some genetic mutations may show the need for screening at a younger age than those without known mutations. For example, if you have a BRCA2 mutation, you should talk to your provider about starting screening at age 40 with PSA (prostate-specific antigen) testing. How often individuals with mutations may need to have PSA testing can differ.

Cases of prostate cancer are higher in African American individuals and prostate cancer is often diagnosed at an earlier age compared to Caucasian individuals. Research is ongoing to see if this is related to heritable genes linked to African ancestry. If your ethnicity is African American, it may be recommended that you get a PSA screening done each year starting at age 40. Talk with your provider about certain screening recommendations based on your risk factors.

If you are worried you or your family may have a genetic mutation or syndrome, you should meet with a genetic counselor. A genetic counselor will talk to you about genetic testing for you and your family. The genetic counselor will talk about the risks and benefits of testing and how results will affect cancer screening and prevention recommendations for you.

Resources for More Information

OncoLink: Genetic Counseling and Genetic Testing

American Cancer Society: What causes prostate cancer?

National Cancer Institute Genetics of Prostate Cancer

Zero Prostate Cancer Genetic Testing


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