Symmetry in the Blue Dress Sonnet

Author: Alysa Cummings

Copyright © 2002 Alysa Cummings

The blue dress hangs in the closet on a
Padded hanger, under plastic to keep
The shoulders round. It's a sweater dress with
Buttons down the front, a deep vee neck style.
What a wonderful dress, deep navy blue,
That embraces the body in a warm
Wool hug. Rich. Elegant. Timeless. Classy.
The blue dress hangs in the closet and mocks
Me as a relic of who I was and
What my body used to look like. Before.
Such a simple dream actually. Me
In the blue dress standing in front of the
Mirror, fooling the onlooker with my
Cosmetic sleight of hand; both sides matching.

Alysa Cummings

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