Garden Sonnet Prayer

Author: Alysa Cummings

Copyright © 2002 Alysa Cummings

Call me recovered, yes I'm planting new
Perennials - plants that spring back, recoup
Year after year peek out, grow back, reach up
Victorious over cold, frost, ice, snow
Grow green freed from the bleakest underground
Perennials - plants that come back, seek out
Sunblessed empathy, connection, friendship
Clean out the chokeweed, the twisting snake vine
Make room for pink daisy faces and the
Fragrance of sweet lilac I'm back I'm back
And so are you and so we will be - come
Next spring - April, May, June - in the garden
Planting hope with seeds of love - watering
Well, well, well, oh garden of my good health.

Alysa Cummings

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