Patsy's Truth

Author: James A. Pharis, Jr.

Copyright © 1999 James A. Pharis, Jr.

A very personal thing occurs
When you have been diagnosed.
Cancer is the most dreaded word
Than any other word supposed.

We can meet the challenge of cancer.
We can resolve it in our mind.
We can believe we are not the first
To survive cancer of this kind.

We see the evidence of being cured
In the most favorable light.
But we cannot escape the thought
That we may always be in the fight.

The truth is this to all who know
And this is what all would tell.
Once the word cancer has chimed
We cannot "unring" that bell.

Another way a survivor has said,
To regard the thought that we wear,
"Once you have gone to the edge and looked over
You always know it is there".

In spite of the truth of this thought,
In spite of the fears that we share,
In spite of the pain that we fear,
We know that God really does care.

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