Amethyst House

Author: Timothy Rowe

Copyright © 2001, Timothy Rowe

Amethyst House is located across the street from the Cancer Centre in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It provides accommodation for out of town patients who are in town to receive cancer treatment. This poem is dedicated to Harvey and Flo, two good friends, who we first met when I started treatment.

We're here in Thunder Bay
Cancer treatment to endure
We're feeling very optimistic
We're hoping for a cure

We live here at Amethyst House
Monday morning till Friday at noon
We live together in a group
Sort of like in a small commune

At Amethyst house you're not alone
You find comfort and feel at ease
You know you're not the only one
Who has this dread disease

There's no talk of death
Though bodies are ravaged by cancer
Just talk of life and optimism
And trying to help each other

Being together with other victims
Helps a person to cope
The encouragement you receive
Gives you much needed hope

The treatments are now over
We'll be leaving this afternoon
We are sad to be leaving
The end came all too soon

We met a lot of real nice people
That we will not soon forget
Our stay at Amethyst House
We never will regret.

T. C. Rowe

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