A Connection

Author: Emily S. Regnier-Franz

Copyright © 1998, Emily S. Regnier-Franz


Sitting here, I was
Why do I stay so involved
with cancer. I don't have it.

But I am surrounded,
by people who are going through
it. Is it because I don't want to feel
as if I've beaten it?

So long the driving force, my
life was fighting and surviving.
If the pressure went away, would
I remain healthy.

Every day people get sick,
people die, and scariest of all
people will get sick.

The thoughts of getting sick
scare me. I appreciate the times
when I feel good and more
when I don't.

And those around me.
Sitting here on the floor. Looking
into those eyes.
Looking at that bald little head.

She has gone through
ten times the pain
that I have.
Or so it seems.

And the light and
the life coming from
those eyes.
Amazes me.

This child,
no fear,
no worry,
Just her.

Cancer doesn't define
her. Invaded and
infected, she has the healthiest
spirit I know.

Emily Suzanne Regnier

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