
I should have shaved my hair.

I was told that my hair would probably not fall out.
I wasn't told that I would have to brush my hair that was getting thinner and thinner by the day.
I wasn't told that when I washed my hair I would see clumps of hair flowing down the drain.
There was a chance I would keep my hair, my doctors told me it was a good chance too

I didn't keep my hair.

I should have shaved my hair

So I decided to get a wig.

I did this so when I walked outside
I wasn't stared at
I wasn't judged
I wasn't pitied

I found one that was relatively cheap, but it didn't look like my hair.
How could I ask my parents to pay for a custom wig?

I just picked out something that I could live with.

I should have shaved my hair.

Was it the same as having my hair?
My frizzy kinky curly hair.
My dyed and damaged hair?
My beautiful hair that I had only recently started to like?

No it wasn't. It was a straight wig with beach waves at the bottom. I have never missed doing my
hair so much.

I should have shaved my hair

But one day I worked up the courage and asked my dad for his clippers. He shaved my
remaining curls off my head.

Watching them fall onto my lap and the floor was hard.

Extremely hard.

I should have shaved my hair.

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