Information about diarrhea and treatments, including tips for managing diarrhea with dietary changes.
Diarrhea can be caused by cancer treatments, disease, infections, anxiety, food, among others. Diarrhea can cause dehydration, low levels of nutrients in your body, weight loss, and fatigue. This hand-out answers questions about and offers tips for managing diarrhea.
Low Fiber Diet for Diarrhea
A low fiber diet can help control diarrhea. This article goes over which foods to eat and which foods to stay away from, especially for those with cancer or who are getting cancer treatment.
Preventing Dehydration During Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatments can lead to dehydration in some cases. Water is essential for the body to function properly, so patients should try to maintain hydration. This article provides tips to avoid dehydration and ways to increase your fluid intake.
Diarrhea After Radiation
Radiation treatment can cause harm to healthy tissues in the area being treated. When the bowel is in the treatment area, this damage can lead to ongoing diarrhea, incontinence, and urgency.