Edema (Swelling)

Author: OncoLink Team
Content Contributor: Allyson Van Horn, MPH
Last Reviewed: July 29, 2024

What is edema?

Edema is the buildup of fluid within the body tissues. There are many causes of edema in patients being treated for cancer or with a history of cancer. Edema may be from the cancer itself keeping fluid from draining or may be a side effect of treatment from chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, or steroids. It can also be because of poor nutrition.

Edema can happen in many parts of the body. The most common are the legs and feet.

Symptoms of edema are feeling puffy, new swelling, tight clothes and jewelry, pitting of the skin when pressed, rapid weight gain, and low urine output.

How is it managed?

If you have edema, there are things you can do to lessen fluid buildup:

  • Reduce salt intake. High amounts of sodium in your diet can increase the amount of fluid your body holds onto. Along with table salt,  you should avoid high-sodium foods like soy sauce, dry seasoning packets, broths, canned soups, and prepared foods.
  • Elevate (prop up) your legs if the extra fluid is in your legs and feet.
  • Exercise, even a short walk, can help blood flow and help edema symptoms.

Based on the cause of the edema, your care provider may order medications to help. These medications increase your urine output and lower the amount of extra fluid in your body.

When should I call my care team?

If you have any of these symptoms, call your care provider:

  • Trouble breathing.
  • Wheezing or gasping for breath.
  • Grey or blue coloring to your skin, lips, or nails.
  • Sudden weight gain.

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