Multiple Myeloma: The Basics

Author: OncoLink Team
Content Contributor: Allyson Van Horn, MPH
Last Reviewed: May 13, 2024

Multiple myeloma (also called myeloma) is a cancer that changes the plasma cells, which are found in the blood. In myeloma, the plasma cells grow out of control and overcrowd the bone marrow where blood cells are made. This keeps normal blood cells from being made and the immune system from working well.

Risk Factors

Risk factors for multiple myeloma include:

  •  Exposure to radiation, chemical resins, organic solvents, pesticides, or herbicides.
  • A family history of myeloma.


There are no routine screening tests to find myeloma.

Signs of Multiple Myeloma

Signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma include:

  • Bone pain and bone damage.
  • High calcium level in the blood, which causes increased urination and thirst, kidney stones, decreased appetite, restlessness, and confusion.
  • Blood counts that are not normal and increased blood thickness (detected with blood tests).
  • Infections that don’t go away.
  • Plasmacytoma (a buildup of myeloma cells, forming a mass) that may be in the skin, bones, and brain.
  • Kidney failure.

These can also be signs of other health issues. If you have any of these symptoms, call your healthcare provider.

Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma

If your healthcare provider thinks you have multiple myeloma, they will order further tests which may include: testing your blood, a 24-hour urine collection, bone marrow biopsy, and radiology tests, including a bone (also called skeletal) survey, X-rays, MRI, CT scan, and PET scan.

Staging Multiple Myeloma

Staging is a way to find out how much myeloma is in your body, how far it has spread, and what treatment can be used. Staging can help guide treatment. The staging system used in myeloma is The Revised International Staging System R-ISS.

The R-ISS divides multiple myeloma into three stages based on serum beta-2 microglobulin, serum albumin levels, LDH levels, and chromosomal (genetic) abnormalities.


Treatments depend on how the disease is affecting the body, the patient’s age, and current health. Common treatments include:

  • Chemotherapy and Other Medications: Chemotherapy can be used at diagnosis in high doses to prepare for a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, as maintenance after transplant, and to treat relapse. Other medications like corticosteroids can also be used in combination with chemotherapies.
  • Stem Cell Transplant: For patients younger than 65, and in good health, a stem cell transplant is a typical treatment option.
  • CAR T-Cell Therapy: Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is a type of targeted therapy that helps your body use its own immune system to fight cancer cells.
  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation can be used to treat a plasmacytoma (a mass of myeloma cells) or areas of bone damage.
  • Supportive Treatment: These are treatments that don’t treat the cancer, but are used to manage health issues being caused by the cancer.

This article is a basic guide to multiple myeloma. You can learn more about multiple myeloma and treatment by using the links below.

Multiple Myeloma: Staging and Treatment

Resources for More Information: Multiple Myeloma

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