Cancer Has Its Privileges: Stories of Hope and Laughter

Author: Carolyn Vachani, MSN, RN, AOCN
Content Contributor: OncoLink
Last Reviewed: December 01, 2002

Author: Christine Clifford
Publisher: Perigee
ISBN: 0399527761


Christine Clifford is a seven-year breast cancer survivor, who learned early on the value of humor in getting through such a difficult time. She found that her own friends and family, although very supportive, were careful to avoid humorous conversation around her. Christine shares a story of visiting a bookstore and asking for the "humorous books about cancer", to which the clerk responded, "you're sick." Although many cancer patients and their families were using humor as therapy, no one dared to write about it! Christine had found a need in the cancer community.

Cancer Has Its Privileges: Stories of Hope and Laughter, Christine's third book, shares many humorous stories from her personal experience, as well as those of the many members of The Cancer Club ®, which she founded. Patients and families are sure to relate to the humor found in everyday "cancer experiences." The stories remind patients and families that they are not alone in the journey, and that it is okay to tackle difficult situations with laughter. Christine includes a section on things friends and family can do for the patient and how the patient can ask for what they need, without feeling "needy." This book is highly recommended by OncoLink for cancer patients, their friends, and families.

Christine Clifford has written two other award-winning books about cancer, Not Now...I'm Having a No Hair Day and Our Family Has Cancer, Too!, written especially for children. She is President and founder of The Cancer Club ®, which markets humorous and helpful products for people who have cancer.

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