Managing Recurrence

Author: Christina Bach MBE, LCSW, OSW-C
Last Reviewed: December 11, 2023

If your cancer comes back (called recurrence), it can bring up many questions, such as:

  • Can it be treated or cured, and what are my options?
  • Am I ready/able for more treatment?
  • How do I tell my family and friends?
  • Was my other treatment a waste?
  • What do I do now?

Cancer coming back also brings up many different emotions. You may feel scared, shocked, angry, overwhelmed, and out of control. Talk to the folks who gave you support after your last diagnosis and through that treatment. Seek out help and support from social workers, therapists, and support groups. Both in-person or online, family, friends, and clergy can all provide support during a recurrence.

Remember, you have done this before. You know much more now than you did at the time of your original diagnosis. Use that to guide your treatment decisions and get the support you need.

Cancer coming back can mean different things to different people. You may want to (re)start treatment right away. Maybe you aren't sure you want to go through more treatment. There is no "right" way to respond. Just as the first treatment decisions you made were a balance of pros and cons, so is treating- or not treating- a recurrence.

Ask your team of healthcare providers about your options and their recommendations. Talk to your support people about your options. Think about your goals and how each treatment will impact them and your quality of life. You may want to see another provider to get a second opinion. Getting a second opinion does not mean you have to switch providers; you are just getting input from another person. You may also want to see if clinical trials (link) are an option for you.

You may also decide not to have more treatment. Learn more about palliative and hospice care here.

Resources for More Information

Bergerot, C. D., Philip, E. J., Bergerot, P. G., Siddiq, N., Tinianov, S., & Lustberg, M. (2022). Fear of cancer recurrence or progression: what is it and what can we do about it?. American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book, 42, 18-27.

Simard, S., Thewes, B., Humphris, G., Dixon, M., Hayden, C., Mireskandari, S., & Ozakinci, G. (2013). Fear of cancer recurrence in adult cancer survivors: a systematic review of quantitative studies. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 7, 300-322.

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